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About Changing Relations

Changing Relations has been using art as a powerful engagement tool to transform the way people think about gender stereotypes and relationship behaviours since 2013. Our mission is to break down gender barriers, foster healthy relationships and transform lives.

About Changing Relations

We deliver on our mission by co-creating art (whether this be film, animation, illustration or stories) that stimulates greater understanding of the hard-to-approach topics of gender equality, abuse, relationships and sexual behaviour, elicits more empathetic responses to those affected, achieving a change in attitudes that ensures that those within the communities, schools and organisations we work with continue to benefit beyond the life of our intervention.

We believe that the arts create a safe, non-judgemental environment, inviting exploration of issues that people often tend to avoid or consider difficult to discuss. In using creativity to draw out experiences and emotions, we are able to carefully navigate sensitive topics that can otherwise pose barriers to people’s wellbeing.

We have built a powerful portfolio of work addressing a range of themes linked to gender stereotypes and relationship behaviours, including: domestic abuse (both the diversity affected and its impact on, and incidence amongst, young people), student attitudes to sex, “toxic” masculinity, girls’ body image and sexting risks. Take a look at the other projects we have run, themese we hve worked with and resources we have developed on Changing Relations’ main website.

Our work is developed through listening to the needs and concerns expressed by our audience and participants. We take an approach of creative coproduction, giving voice to those with lived experience of the issues we are addressing, resulting in artworks that provide a safe, accessible way for our beneficiaries to explore difficult issues to which society often chooses to turn a blind eye.

We develop the perceptual change sought by building training, workshops, resources and awareness campaigns around our artwork, stimulating meaningful engagement for schools, businesses and communities alike. If you’re interested in training or resrouces on the themes we cover, we’d love to hear from you, so get in touch.

We are important because we shine a light on issues which society at best, shies away from because they are difficult to address, and at worst, chooses to turn a blind eye to.

We are important because we know that by shining a light on these norms, misperceptions and behaviours, we take the first step in addressing them. Sometimes the first step is small, but sometimes it is truly significant.

We are important because we build people’s capacity to recognise, shine their own light on, and challenge these norms, misperceptions and behaviours with confidence, and where appropriate, to take action (whether that is changing something in their own lives or supporting someone else to do so).